Salient Points: For the month of April, we expected the volume of garbage to double because of the holy week activities. The possible influx of local tourists and devotees coming from other cities and municipalities and even from other provinces were expected to affect waste generation. However, the data show decrease of waste received in April 1-30. From the average of 99,000 kg in Quarter 1, we only recorded 77,002 kg in in April (see Figure 1). Based on data and assuming that all garbage generated in April has been collected, there is no significant increase of garbage generated in the month of April. Though there is a slight increase of more than 2000 kg of biodegradable collected from the Public Market still manageable as compared to the forecasted increase of 100,000 kg. Factors Affecting the Reduction of Waste in April: 1. The moisture content of garbage in April 1-30 was relatively lower due to absence of rainfall. Th...